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Nizamiya Secondary Girls School

Name of School: Nizamiya Secondary Girls School

Year of Establishment: 1970

Name of Principal: Sawsan Abdulbaqi

Telefax #: 02-5854040


Address: Jerusalem- Beit Hanina- Main Street- Building #77


Number of Students: 1300

Number of Teachers: 57

Number of Classrooms: 40

Educational Stages: from 1st Grade to 12th Grade



The school was established in 1970, and it is a secondary school for girls only.

The school has two buildings: one consists of 3 floors while the other consists of 4 floors. It contains: a science laboratory, 2 computer labs, a library, a canteen, 2 playgrounds, 2 drinking fountains, 3 external rooms for the bathroom units, and a clinic.


Future Needs:


  • Maintenace of 2 of the external rooms that contain the bathroom units.


  • Seats and tables for all the school units.
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